Great Reads
Great Reads
These Transformational Festivals Will Change Your Life
Boom 2023, photo by Pawel Wieloch Transformational festivals are not your average music festival. They normally last for a week or more and take place deep in nature such as a forest or desert in order to help participants fully detach from society. They are defined by the [...]
Burning Man 2023 Was a Beautiful Mess
My first burn was an amazing experience. I loved my camp, the culture created by Burners and our ten Principles, and the beautiful natural environment of the Playa itself. No one attending expected the weather to make such a big impact as it did, giving an extra element of challenge [...]
35+ Ways That Transformational Festivals are More Fun!
photo by Edward Clynes, Lucidity Festival by Saphir Lewis If you get to a transformational festival this summer, you’re in for a spectacular time. No matter how high you set your expectations, they’re bound to be topped. Ye old “stage in a meadow” [...]
A Burning Man Hyperlapse Video Tour
Jacob Avanzato is one of the great festival photographers of our time. This video hyperlapse of Burning Man, will give you the feeling of being there and take you on a tour of wonder and delight.
How Lucidity Raised The Collective Vibe Of The Tribe
Check out this Gorgeous recap of Lucidity Festivals by media goddess Kaylie Suzanne of Violet Visions on The Sights and Sounds, an awesome channel brought to you by our new pal Kris Kish. Music festivals have undergone a paradigm shift in the way they have to interact with their audience. [...]
My Festival Passion
The people I create festivals with are some of the most extraordinary people anywhere. Giant hearts, endlessly giving, wise and caring, tending the flock....and fun loving. I am very blessed to share this life with them. I'm going to call this series “My Festival Passion” and I will write [...]
Oh The Places You’ll Go!
From the enchanted land of Burning Man comes this collaborative production of Dr. Suess's final book.
Interview with Zac Cirivello of Burning Man
In this month of Mystic Men, we don’t want to miss Zac Cirivello, who we interviewed for the 2014 Festival Guide…. This interview was also part of the inspiration for our feature on Burning Man Projects. […]
A Profound Oregon Eclipse Experience
photo by Juliana Bernstein (Get Tiny) The ceremony at Oregon Eclipse 2017 was beyond anything I’ve experienced. Yes, it was Epic, and I use that word often, but here I use it in the full meaning of the word….. Symbiosis Gathering had built a gorgeous Sun Temple at [...]
The First Global Reunion
Photo by Da Karai Why I Believe Oregon Eclipse (Fest) To Be Pivotal & Historic I’m not a scientist, but this is my understanding of Imaginal Cells. The caterpillar in the cocoon doesn’t grow wings and come out flying. Rather, it dissolves into a high potency goo….then, science says, mysterious [...]
So You Want To Travel Abroad For A Music Festival?
REPOSTED from The Sights & Sounds by Kris KishIt’s no secret that the international music festival scene has witnesses explosive growth over the past decade. What was a community of underground warehouses and desert raves have evolved into the EDCs of Tokyo, Mexico, Paris to [...]
OCF Festival Producers Panel
Last July I had the pleasure of being on the OCF Festival Producers Panel, mediated by Chris Deckker, Founder of Earthdance Global. It was that panel discussion - spanning nearly 50 years of event producing, that inspired me to launch Festival Fire. The discussion began with our early rumblings, rebelling [...]
Festival Volunteers: The Importance Of Your People
By Betty for uncredited) Working in the festival world for many years now, and for many different production companies, there are about a million facets that bring an event together. And a million might be an understatement. Regardless of how big or small a festival is, one thing [...]
10 Tips for Creating the Perfect Festival Date
photo by Jonathan Akbari Festivals can be a magical space, where human connection and unity is at an all-time high. Synchronicity seems to be in the air, the vibes are high, and the pull between people and energies is undeniable. It’s no surprise that many festies leave events with a deeper [...]
5 Ways to Build Community Wherever You Go
Photo by Louis Fisher @FishMakesPhotos From our dear friends at Enchanted Forest Gathering, who sadly won’t be back after Covid. by Jazzy Cherie The atmosphere at a festival is euphoric. It’s hard to describe the feeling of a festival to someone who has never been to one. Words [...]
Wanderlust’s Travel Tips…
Our friends at Wanderlust Festival have all of you nomads in mind with these tips for Mindful and Creative travel. Morning Practice On the Road: 3 Tricks for Mindful and Creative Travel Nkechi Njaka is just one of the inspiring teachers you can learn from [...]
How to Rewild Your Life Permaculture Style
A farm tour of VerdEnergia at NuSeed. We learned about their reforestation projects and the history of the land. from our friends at I sit quietly; the noises of the jungle are constant in the background. The hum of cicadas reaches its crescendo at dusk, it’s almost deafening. The [...]
Your Festival Experience As Told by 90s Cartoon GIFs
photo by Adrian Spinelli THIS ONE IS EPIC! Click on over to see them all..... After a glorious festival weekend, it's common to find ourselves searching for ways to keep those festival memories alive. And let's be real, there's nothing like a good ole GIF to communicate those [...]
Epic Summer Road Trips: Your Guide To A Festival Nomad Summer
by bettyandkora It’s summer: you’re coasting along the highway – a sweetly rumbling engine and good tunes in your ear, the summer wind on your face. Imagine spending an entire summer in nature, living simply, constantly seeing new things and meeting new people, and consistently being surrounded by incredible music [...]
Transform Your Campsite into The Ultimate Hangout Spot
Photo By: Conner Coughenour Check out this great article from our friends at Fest300, aka EverFest. by Tessla Venus Goodwin Whether it’s your first camping festival or your 500th, having a pretty and comfortable campsite can make or break your experience. I asked some of our most seasoned readers what [...]
Crucial Tips to Keep Our Creative Community Safe
From Michael Morgenstern and the Bay Area Community, After the Oakland Ghost Ship fire: we created this short video on fire safety for event production. Please watch it — 4 minutes later you’ll be a lot more prepared. >>> Here’s an important informational from our friends at Fest300. Read it, [...]
Transforming Expectations: How Festivals Are Teaching Us About Life and Living
photo by Aaron Benjamin Glassman, Symbiosis 2016 By Christian Cortes Gazing at the colorful streams of people flowing into the festival grounds from the outside world, I can already see it beginning. I feel it in my feet as I push through the heat; it takes form as [...]
Dance the Sacred Fire at Unifier
[Big Thanks to our friends at Greenheart.TV for creating this truly gorgeous video from our 2nd Unifier Festival. It’s our hopes that if you were there this will help you sink back in to the expanded sense of reverence and deep appreciation we all shared together on the Land. If [...]
Interview with Jason Cohen, founder of Unifier Festival
Unifier Festival is coming up soon, in Western Mass. Its a deeper, more intentional gathering than most and one you won’t want to miss. Founder Jason Cohen has an exciting story to tell, and one you will want to be part of…I spoke with him on May 22, 2016. [Read [...]
Fire Spinning Eye Candy
A little flow arts delight from one of our fave camera men, Jacob Avanzato filmed at Ignight Fire Flow Conference